Think Like Your Client

How can you get more sales, more profitable sales and more loyal customers? So many of us have been nailed bad by the commodity mindset. Why do we have to fight so hard and cut prices so deeply to get orders today? Getting out of the commodity game requires hard work, thoughtful work and requires learning new skills and work habits. You need to learn to think like your client. You need to move from being a source to becoming a resource.

You may have heard me say this many times before—find the pain, be the aspirin. Cute turn of a phrase, but how do you do it? You need to put yourself in your client’s shoes and identify their needs, pain points, cost, revenue, strategy and other goals. You’ll need to identify who the key decision makers are and how they can be influenced. You need to figure out how they buy and why they buy. You need to understand these processes and figure out how to influence them.

So how do you do that? Number one is Listen. Listen with your ears, your eyes and your heart. See what the company and your contact at that company value, what they talk about, what they read, what they display. Number two is ASK. Ask questions about them, about what they want to achieve, about what they have achieved in the past. Determine to understand their needs. Number three is Commit. Commit to read their trade publications, to research their industry, to attend their trade shows, to learn about how they go to market.

Next you need to identify a viable, relevant solution to your client’s needs using your product, service and expertise. Break down the costs of your solution in terms of how it addresses your customer’s needs and pain points. Present your solutions in terms of value and risk. Customers want to save money and they want to reduce risk. Can you prove to a customer how you will help them reduce risk? The fact that you have done the hard work of getting to know their problems and understand their industry makes you an expert in their eyes. When you present your solutions in the context of their needs, you have demonstrated that you are the safest option and offer the most value.

Use testimonials and case histories to reassure customers of the benefits of working with a professional. Remember: you are a resource, not just a source. Make them feel assured that you will make them, their brand and their company, look good.

Deliver solutions and products that will do what the client needs done. Establish your reputation by delivering what the client needs—not what you want to sell. Provide incredible follow-up and be willing to offer a satisfaction guarantee.

Remember that everyone loves to buy but no one likes to be sold. Think through the entire process from the client’s point of view. Deliver more value and reduce their risk. Go the extra and deliver something awesome every time. Being good isn’t good enough. Be remarkable.

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